Martin’s, Key West

Martin’s Restaurant, Key West
Like our feather chandelier “Pulma Cubic” reminiscent of a classic crystal chandelier designed by a Berlin artist Heike Buchfelder, Martin’s surprises the guest with a classic and tropical mix. As soon as one arrives, one feels surrounded by European sophistication with a touch of the playfulness of the tropics- just like our menu.
Akin to our European cuisine, the design of Martin’s is classical modern garnished with tropical delights. Located on the main walking street in the city of Key West, Florida, Martin’s stands unique with inviting open lounge space and enclosed, air-conditioned formal dining. With the bar/kitchen area located in the center, patrons at any of the three spaces, the dining room, lounge or garden have equal distance to their servers.
Street side, one gets a classical feeling from imported Berlin designed, modern black furniture surrounded by hand-crafted gold-metal wallpapers (Welter Wandunikate, Berlin) and original, large modern photographic artwork (Martin Eberle, Ralph Baiker, Fritz Busam photographers from Berlin). Parallel to this is the open, inviting lounge area bordered by a green wall of Berlin inspired photography leading through the lounge to the garden.
From Duval Street, the passer-by is greeted by an open-air lounge space leading to a flexible cocktail/dance area with a secluded, welcoming garden area beyond. These flexible spaces available to small private parties or business and wedding banquets, reflect the flexibility of the menus and the European style kitchen.
All sections– formal dining area, lounge and garden are flexible as are our menus from formal classic European cuisine to informal/ tropically inspired tapas, appetizers and desserts. In addition to a full complement of imported champagnes and imported and USA wines, the bar provides a complete range of tropical and classic cocktails.
Shaded by large, white, canvas tent-style roofing and bordered by a long wall of photography by Berlin photographers, one feels a sense of attention to detail in its clear simplicity which defines style in a new way while enjoying our lounge– much like our menu of tasteful selections of classic meats and fish with a colorful embellishment– like our red and green accents tantalize the senses.
The clarity and quality of style that surrounds you in Martin’s reflects the menu’s flexibility and quality from a Martini to a weekend brunch to a formal dinner to a banquet or evening of dancing in a chic, cosmopolitan setting. Guests at Martin’s feel like they’ve stepped into a cool city space in the relaxing environment of the tropics.
As soon as one arrives in Martin’s, one feels surrounded by European sophistication with a touch of the playfulness of the tropics– just like our menu!

Martin’s Restaurant, Key West